88 research outputs found

    Thermal out-of-time-order correlators, KMS relations, and spectral functions

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    We describe general features of thermal correlation functions in quantum systems, with specific focus on the fluctuation-dissipation type relations implied by the KMS condition. These end up relating correlation functions with different time ordering and thus should naturally be viewed in the larger context of out-of-time-ordered (OTO) observables. In particular, eschewing the standard formulation of KMS relations where thermal periodicity is combined with time-reversal to stay within the purview of Schwinger-Keldysh functional integrals, we show that there is a natural way to phrase them directly in terms of OTO correlators. We use these observations to construct a natural causal basis for thermal n-point functions in terms of fully nested commutators. We provide several general results which can be inferred from cyclic orbits of permutations, and exemplify the abstract results using a quantum oscillator as an explicit example.Comment: 36 pages + appendices. v2: minor changes + refs added. v3: minor changes, published versio

    Effect of long range connections on an infinite randomness fixed point associated with the quantum phase transitions in a transverse Ising model

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    We study the effect of long-range connections on the infinite-randomness fixed point associated with the quantum phase transitions in a transverse Ising model (TIM). The TIM resides on a long-range connected lattice where any two sites at a distance r are connected with a non-random ferromagnetic bond with a probability that falls algebraically with the distance between the sites as 1/r^{d+\sigma}. The interplay of the fluctuations due to dilutions together with the quantum fluctuations due to the transverse field leads to an interesting critical behaviour. The exponents at the critical fixed point (which is an infinite randomness fixed point (IRFP)) are related to the classical "long-range" percolation exponents. The most interesting observation is that the gap exponent \psi is exactly obtained for all values of \sigma and d. Exponents depend on the range parameter \sigma and show a crossover to short-range values when \sigma >= 2 -\eta_{SR} where \eta_{SR} is the anomalous dimension for the conventional percolation problem. Long-range connections are also found to tune the strength of the Griffiths phase.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Anomaly/Transport in an Ideal Weyl gas

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    We study some of the transport processes which are specific to an ideal gas of relativistic Weyl fermions and relate the corresponding transport coefficients to various anomaly coefficients of the system. We propose that these transport processes can be thought of as arising from the continuous injection of chiral states and their subsequent adiabatic flow driven by vorticity. This in turn leads to an elegant expression relating the anomaly induced transport coefficients to the anomaly polynomial of the Ideal Weyl gas.Comment: 35 pages, JHEP forma

    Higher Derivative Corrections to Locally Black Brane Metrics

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    In this paper we generalize the construction of locally boosted black brane space time to higher derivative gravities. We consider the Gauss-Bonnet term (with coefficient α\alpha') as a toy example. We find the solution to the α\alpha' corrected Einstein equations to first order in the boundary derivative expansion. This allows us to find the α\alpha' corrections to the boundary stress tensor in the presence of the Gauss-Bonnet term in the bulk action. We therefore obtain the ratio of shear viscosity to entropy which agrees with other methods of computation in the literature.Comment: 0+17 page

    Local Fluid Dynamical Entropy from Gravity

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    Spacetime geometries dual to arbitrary fluid flows in strongly coupled = 4 super Yang Mills theory have recently been constructed perturbatively in the long wavelength limit. We demonstrate that these geometries all have regular event horizons, and determine the location of the horizon order by order in a boundary derivative expansion. Intriguingly, the derivative expansion allows us to determine the location of the event horizon in the bulk as a local function of the fluid dynamical variables. We define a natural map from the boundary to the horizon using ingoing null geodesics. The area-form on spatial sections of the horizon can then be pulled back to the boundary to define a local entropy current for the dual field theory in the hydrodynamic limit. The area theorem of general relativity guarantees the positivity of the divergence of the entropy current thus constructed

    CFT dual of the AdS Dirichlet problem: Fluid/Gravity on cut-off surfaces

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    We study the gravitational Dirichlet problem in AdS spacetimes with a view to understanding the boundary CFT interpretation. We define the problem as bulk Einstein's equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions on fixed timelike cut-off hypersurface. Using the fluid/gravity correspondence, we argue that one can determine non-linear solutions to this problem in the long wavelength regime. On the boundary we find a conformal fluid with Dirichlet constitutive relations, viz., the fluid propagates on a `dynamical' background metric which depends on the local fluid velocities and temperature. This boundary fluid can be re-expressed as an emergent hypersurface fluid which is non-conformal but has the same value of the shear viscosity as the boundary fluid. The hypersurface dynamics arises as a collective effect, wherein effects of the background are transmuted into the fluid degrees of freedom. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this collective fluid is forced to be non-relativistic below a critical cut-off radius in AdS to avoid acausal sound propagation with respect to the hypersurface metric. We further go on to show how one can use this set-up to embed the recent constructions of flat spacetime duals to non-relativistic fluid dynamics into the AdS/CFT correspondence, arguing that a version of the membrane paradigm arises naturally when the boundary fluid lives on a background Galilean manifold.Comment: 71 pages, 2 figures. v2: Errors in bulk metrics dual to non-relativistic fluids (both on cut-off surface and on the boundary) have been corrected. New appendix with general results added. Fixed typos. 82 pages, 2 figure

    Relativistic Viscous Fluid Dynamics and Non-Equilibrium Entropy

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    Fluid dynamics corresponds to the dynamics of a substance in the long wavelength limit. Writing down all terms in a gradient (long wavelength) expansion up to second order for a relativistic system at vanishing charge density, one obtains the most general (causal) equations of motion for a fluid in the presence of shear and bulk viscosity, as well as the structure of the non-equilibrium entropy current. Requiring positivity of the divergence of the non-equilibrium entropy current relates some of its coefficients to those entering the equations of motion. I comment on possible applications of these results for conformal and non-conformal fluids.Comment: 25 pages, no figures; v2: matches published versio

    Hydrodynamics from charged black branes

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    We extend the recent work on fluid-gravity correspondence to charged black-branes by determining the metric duals to arbitrary charged fluid configuration up to second order in the boundary derivative expansion. We also derive the energy-momentum tensor and the charge current for these configurations up to second order in the boundary derivative expansion. We find a new term in the charge current when there is a bulk Chern-Simons interaction thus resolving an earlier discrepancy between thermodynamics of charged rotating black holes and boundary hydrodynamics. We have also confirmed that all our expressions are covariant under boundary Weyl-transformations as expected.Comment: 0+ 31 Pages; v2: 0+33 pages, typos corrected and new sections (in appendix) added; v3:published versio

    Thermodynamics, gravitational anomalies and cones

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    By studying the Euclidean partition function on a cone, we argue that pure and mixed gravitational anomalies generate a "Casimir momentum" which manifests itself as parity violating coefficients in the hydrodynamic stress tensor and charge current. The coefficients generated by these anomalies enter at a lower order in the hydrodynamic gradient expansion than would be naively expected. In 1+1 dimensions, the gravitational anomaly affects coefficients at zeroth order in the gradient expansion. The mixed anomaly in 3+1 dimensions controls the value of coefficients at first order in the gradient expansion.Comment: 37 page

    Shear Viscosity to Entropy Density Ratio in Six Derivative Gravity

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    We calculate shear viscosity to entropy density ratio in presence of four derivative (with coefficient α\alpha') and six derivative (with coefficient α2\alpha'^2) terms in bulk action. In general, there can be three possible four derivative terms and ten possible six derivative terms in the Lagrangian. Among them two four derivative and eight six derivative terms are ambiguous, i.e., these terms can be removed from the action by suitable field redefinitions. Rest are unambiguous. According to the AdS/CFT correspondence all the unambiguous coefficients (coefficients of unambiguous terms) can be fixed in terms of field theory parameters. Therefore, any measurable quantities of boundary theory, for example shear viscosity to entropy density ratio, when calculated holographically can be expressed in terms of unambiguous coefficients in the bulk theory (or equivalently in terms of boundary parameters). We calculate η/s\eta/s for generic six derivative gravity and find that apparently it depends on few ambiguous coefficients at order α2\alpha'^2. We calculate six derivative corrections to central charges aa and cc and express η/s\eta/s in terms of these central charges and unambiguous coefficients in the bulk theory.Comment: 29 pages, no figure, V2, results and typos correcte